Treat fellow competitors, judges, and spectators courteously.

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct by any competitor, parent, or coach, including (but not limited to) arguing with judges, harassing other competitors, judges, staff, or spectators, or showboating, will result in disqualification at our discretion with no refund.

  • No coaching from the sidelines or bleachers by parents or teachers is permitted. Cheering is acceptable and encouraged.

  • Leave things better than you found them: all guests must respect facility rules by cleaning up after themselves and leaving their area clean when they leave.


Divisions by Experience Level

  • Novice students have 0-1 years of experience

  • Beginner students have between 1-3 years of experience

  • Intermediate students have between 3-6 years of experience

  • Advanced students have 6+ years of experience

What is a Novice?

You just started your martial arts career and you wanted to come by and see what competing is all about! You maybe don't know an entire form, or you still have trouble getting into the right stances, you aren't sure what all the movements do, but you've been training for about a year and want to give it a go! You are a novice competitor. 

What is a Beginner?

You maybe have one or two ranks under you, you know a bunch of forms, and you're pretty confident you won’t forget your choreography. You know what some of the strikes and blocks in your movements do, you feel fairly rooted, and you have been able to generate some power in your forms. You are a beginner competitor.

What is Intermediate?

You have hit the middle of the road towards your school's black belt, and you have some understanding of structure, mechanics and timing within your discipline. You may even have started working with weapons! You have a strong memory of your movements, you understand what all the basic movements do, and your body connection, balance and root is more present than not. You can move with speed, power and some confidence. You are an Intermediate competitor.

What is Advanced?

You know your stuff. Congratulations, you have made it far beyond where most fear to tread in the martial arts world. You know and understand your forms. You can move quickly, smoothly, with obvious intention and power. The occasional brain mist of forgetting a form or misstep happens, but not because you haven't put in the work. You are an advanced competitor. 

How Do I Choose My Skill Level?

You will notice some of our skill levels have overlapping years (Novice 0-1, Beginner 1-3), where the same amount of time is represented- in this case the number “1”. It is up to your and your instructor to talk about and agree on where you are at in your skill level within your particular category. If you have just begun your training, you are within a year and you don’t feel very comfortable with your movements, maybe you should hang out in the Novice level this year and be a fully prepared Beginner next year. If you have just begun your training, you are within a year, and you are very comfortable with your discipline- maybe you feel like a beginner category is more appropriate for you, then have at it! We want to make sure everyone is placed correctly to create the best tournament experience possible for all of our participants.


For reaction skills (sparring, push hands, and Shuai Jiao), competitors will be given the option of competing in their own gendered divisions or in mixed gender divisions. These decisions will be made the day of the tournament at our discretion.

Tournament organizers reserve the right to combine divisions with the next closest skill level and age group. At our discretion, we may combine divisions with the next level or combine weight classes.


Kung Fu & Tai Chi Uniforms

Remember that you are representing your teachers, schools, styles, and sometimes countries at tournaments; take pride in your appearance. Dress appropriately for each division. Acceptable uniforms include :

  • Chinese-style tops with frog buttons

  • Sleeveless Chinese tops

  • School t-shirts/polo shirts and training pants

  • Shorts, tank tops, and rash guards are acceptable for sparring divisions

  • No jewelry, unsecured eyewear, pins, patches, or hats. (Exceptions are made for religious requirements.)

  • Use appropriate footwear. No hard soled shoes or boots are allowed for performances. Competitors can go barefoot if they choose, but socks are discouraged in Kung Fu divisions due to slipping potential. If you have questions about this, please respectfully approach your head judge.

Shuai Jiao Uniforms

  • All fighters must wear a properly fitted Shuai Jiao jacket during a match. The "fist rule" ­will be applied for all jackets. This is where a sleeve can be simply measured and tested by sliding an average ­sized fist of any Official from the arm and into an athlete’s sleeve. Custom patches or logos must not interfere with access to any standard gripping positions and will be subject to scrutiny by officials.

  • Red and blue belts will be supplied for competitors who don't have them. Shuai Jiao jacket and pants (with no zippers, pockets, rivets or hard material on them) are required; shoes optional but highly recommended. 

  • The following items are approved but not required for use in a match. Mouth guard, groin protection. Groin protection may not be exposed and must be covered at all times during the match. Mouth guard must be of the type that does not protrude from the mouth. 

  • Please do not wear Jewelry, unsecured eyewear, excessive tape, loose tape, or an excessively loose uniform which will not stay in place. 


  • Only traditional Chinese martial arts styles are permitted.  This excludes contemporary wushu, mixed martial arts, or non-Chinese styles such Karate, Taekwondo, or Kenpo.

  • Only register for divisions in which you have experience. This is not the appropriate place to experiment.


Know the floor layout and where your divisions are taking place. 

  • If you are not waiting ringside for your turn to perform, you should be in the bleachers.

  • Be ringside when your divisions are about to begin. If you have a conflict due to being in another division happening simultaneously, notify your ring’s head judge. We will do everything possible to have you compete in all your registered events. 

  • Pay attention to announcements at ringside and over the loudspeaker system; rings may be moved.


First to register is last to perform.

  • The head judge will announce that you are “on deck,” signaling that you should prepare to compete as soon as the previous competitor finishes. 

  • When it’s your turn, the head judge will call your name. If you are not present when your name is called, two additional calls will be made over the PA system. If you do not respond, you forfeit the event. The forfeiture is final and irreversible.

  • Once called, enter on the right side of the ring (facing the head judge), walk smartly to the starting point for your form, salute to the head judge, and begin your form. No spoken presentation of your name, form, school, etc. is necessary.

  • Weapons must be able to support their own weight on their tips without bending. Exceptions are made for youth divisions.

  • Weapons must be well-maintained and in good working condition. Weapons may be inspected by any judge at any time.

  • No acrobatics are permitted. Rolls, splits, and butterfly kicks are permitted as long as they are martial in nature and not purely decorative.

  • Restarting a form due to forgetfulness will result in a .5 deduction. This does not apply to kids, juniors, and all novice divisions.

  • Breaking a weapon or hitting yourself with it will result in a .5 deduction. Dropping a weapon will result in a 1 point deduction.

  • Weapons should not touch the floor as per the rules of the venue. If your sequence includes a weapon touching the floor it must be controlled and gentle.

  • Forms must end facing the head judge.

  • At the conclusion of your farm, bow to the head judge and await your score in attention stance. Once your final/average score is announced, bow to the head judge and exit the ring respectfully, without turning your back to the head judge.

  • All penalties are only to be enacted by head judges.



During forms performances, you will be judged in several areas:

  • Competitors should have good balance, explosive power, understanding of technique applications, and fighting spirit.

  • Tai Chi competitors should adhere to Tai Chi principles; clear structure, intention, root and power potential (or generation) must be present.

  • Competitors should show good body mechanics and synchronization by producing power from the core and hips, not just the limbs.

  • Competitors should show precision, clean lines, punches and kicks that return to chamber, tight fists, and proper hand and foot positions. 

  • Punches and kicks should be fast and precise.

  • Points will be deducted if a competitor stumbles or falls.

  • Points will be deducted for lazy performances, obvious forgetfulness, ending the form in the wrong location or facing the wrong direction, or any disrespectful behavior shown towards other competitors, spectators, or judges.


  • Novice: 6.00 - 6.99

  • Beginner: 7.00 - 7.99

  • Intermediate: 8.00 - 8.99

  • Advanced: 9.00 - 9.99

A score of 9.95 or higher is reserved for the highest levels of martial arts performances by world-class athletes.


  • The Shuai Jiao ring is a 20 x 20 foot mat with a centered circle.  Wrestler starting marks will be centered and assigned by participating officials.

  • All other rings are 22 x 27 feet. Adjust your forms accordingly; if your form will travel outside your rings, you must notify the head judge in advance, otherwise points will be deducted.

  • Forms are expected to start and end facing the same direction and in the same quadrant of the floor. Once you salute to the head judge you may position yourself accordingly in the ring to begin your form. If your form ends facing a different way or in a different quadrant of the floor, you must notify the head judge in advance, otherwise you will receive a .5 point deduction.


A penalty of 0.2 points will be deducted for each infraction of 5 seconds or partial increments thereof.

Kung Fu

  • Minimum time for kids and juniors is 30 seconds. Minimum time for teens and adults is 45 seconds. There is no minimum for novice or beginner divisions.

  • Maximum time for Kung Fu is 2 minutes.

Tai Chi

  • Minimum time for Tai Chi is 2 minutes. There is no minimum for novice or beginner divisions.

  • Maximum time for Tai Chi is 3 minutes.

  • Tai Chi competitors will be given 30 second warnings.


Medals will be awarded from 1st through 3rd place in each division.

  • Judges will hold a brief meeting to break ties.

  • In the event the judges cannot decide, you may be asked to perform again.


Push hands will be fixed step. Both feet must remain in contact with the floor at all times. The heel or toe may be raised briefly, but the foot may not leave the floor or change position. The feet remain in the same starting position.

  • All matches are single elimination, best out of three rounds. Matches consist of two 1-minute rounds of running time unless there is an injury or a warning. Competitors change leg positions after the first round. In the event of a tie, the match will be decided by sudden death.

  • Starting position is both your feet on the line, with one arm inside and one outside.

  • Maintain contact the entire time. Target areas are the shoulders, chest (for male-bodied competitors), belly, and sides. No pushes below the waist or above the neck. No percussive impact. Speed of pushes should be consistent. Competitors should not break contact, especially to gain advantage. A brief pluck is acceptable but for no longer than one second.

  • The objective of the match is to uproot and off-balance your partner while maintaining your own root and balance using Tai Chi principles. Excessive use of force will result in disciplinary action.

Illegal Techniques:

  • Wrapping your arms around your partner’s back.

  • Grabbing your partner’s clothing.

  • Pulling with both hands.

  • Striking. Any percussive contact (makes a sound) is considered a strike.

  • Joint locks.


Competitors must provide their own gear, in well-maintained and working condition:

  • Helmet

  • Mouth Guard

  • Groin Cup (male-bodied students)

  • Chest Protector (optional but recommended for female-bodied students)

  • Gloves (must have sufficient padding; MMA gloves and foam covers are acceptable)

  • Boots (must cover the tops of the feet and be sufficiently padded)

  • Shin guards (optional but recommended)

You will not be permitted to participate in sparring divisions if you do not have the appropriate equipment.


THIS IS NOT A FULL-CONTACT TOURNAMENT. There is a one-warning policy. If the judges must warn any competitor more than once for excessive contact, they’ll be disqualified without a refund. This rule will be strictly followed.

  • All matches are single elimination consisting of two 1-minute rounds. The time is stopped for injuries or equipment adjustment.

  • At the end of each round the winner of that round is declared by the decision of the majority of the judges. The winner of two out of three rounds wins the match.

  • Competitors enter the ring at the command of the head judge. The competitors bow to the head judge and each other to show respect and good sportsmanship before beginning. The head judge will commence the match and direct with verbal signals (“begin,” “stop,” etc.)

Legal Targets

  • Light contact to front and sides of the torso.

  • Light contact to the side of head gear.

  • Light contact to upper thigh.

Illegal Targets

  • Groin.

  • Knees.

  • Back.

  • Face.

Legal Techniques

  • Sharp, clean punches and kicks.

  • Momentarily grabbing the opponent’s wrist to execute a technique.

Illegal Techniques

  • Sweeps.

  • Elbows.

  • Knees.

  • Spinning backfist or any blind technique.

  • Joint locking.

The following infractions will result in a warning:

  • Willingly running out of the ring.

  • Not following the head judge’s directions.

  • More than one warning results in disqualification.

The following will result in disqualification:

  • Heavy impact force.

  • Bleeding that results from an illegal strike.

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct by competitors, coaches, or parents.


THIS IS NOT A FULL-CONTACT TOURNAMENT. There is a one-warning policy. If the judges must warn any competitor more than once for excessive contact, they’ll be disqualified without a refund. This rule will be strictly followed.

  • All matches are single elimination consisting of one 90 second round. The time is stopped for injuries or equipment adjustment.

The winner is the competitor who either:

    1. Wins five points, or

    2. Has the most points at the end of 90 seconds.

  • Competitors enter the ring at the command of the head judge. The competitors bow to the head judge and each other to show respect and good sportsmanship before beginning. The head judge will commence the match and direct with verbal signals (“begin,” “stop,” etc.)

  • Any judge may call a point. When any judge says “STOP”, the competitors immediately stop fighting and return to their starting positions. The head judge says “JUDGES, CALL!” and the judges will indicate which competitor scored a point. A majority will be required to win a point.

Legal Targets

  • Light contact to front and sides of the torso.

  • Light contact to the side of head gear.

  • Light contact to upper thigh.

Illegal Targets

  • Groin.

  • Knees.

  • Back.

  • Face.

Legal Techniques

  • Sharp, clean punches and kicks.

  • Momentarily grabbing the opponent’s wrist to execute a technique.

Illegal Techniques

  • Sweeps.

  • Elbows.

  • Knees.

  • Spinning backfist or any blind technique.

  • Joint locking.

The following infractions will result in one warning:

  • Willingly running out of the ring.

  • Not following the head judge’s directions.

  • More than one warning results in disqualification.

The following will result in immediate disqualification:

  • Heavy impact force.

  • Bleeding that results from an illegal strike.

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct by any competitor, coach, or parent.


The goal of the rules is to make sure there is as much continuous action as possible during the matches, advocate fighter safety, stay true to the spirit of Shuai Jiao, and improve the enjoyment of the sport overall for all persons whether it be athletes, coaches, officials, or spectators. 

Weight Divisions

  • Under 155 lbs (under 70 kg)

  • 156 lbs -175 lbs (70 kg - 80 kg) 

  • 176 lbs - 195 lbs (80 kg - 85 kg)

  • 195 lbs + (85 kg +)

The Golden Rule 

  • The goal of Shuai Jiao is to be competitive, clean, and safe. All competitors are expected to enter the ring in the spirit of proper sportsmanship, a focus on safety, fairness, cleanliness of techniques, and respectful representation of their school or organization.  

Tournament Overview

  • A Shuai Jiao tournament is an event where competitor's skills in Chinese wrestling are tested among competitors. These events are comprised of multiple matches which are single bouts between two fighters, in which one will advance in competition standings, depending on overall score of the match. Judges will have the final say on any calls made by officials. Referees are active in the ring and around the match, will manage the start and stop of action, and make calls on scoring. 

  • Wrestlers will be assigned to a red or blue corner, and will be expected to return to their positions during calls, disputes, scoring, or the match break. 

  • Match mechanics will not include ring outs for this event. Wrestlers will be repositioned if they cross the boundary of the ring, and wrestlers will be warned for running away.  

  • Weigh-ins will be held the day of, before the start of the event. Divisions may be combined to make sure everyone has a good set of wrestlers to work with. 

Time Limits

  • Matches will comprise of two 2 minute stopped clock (time is stopped for every throw attempt) periods with a 1 minute break in between periods. The 1 minute break will start immediately after the first 2 ­minute period is completed.

  • The second 2 minute period will continue immediately after the 1 minute break at the discretion of the head judge.

  • In the event that there is no digital display for the match time, the timekeeper for the match must announce the times at the 1 minute, 30 second, and 10 second marks for both periods.


Competitors score by executing clean legal throwing techniques. All techniques must be initiated while remaining standing on one's feet. The first fighter to make contact with the mat with anything other than their feet will be judged to score. A score may only be awarded during the match. A throw must be judged as valid prior to scoring. A throw will be judged as invalid if the technique is initiated by a violation. 

  • One­ Point Throw: Awarded to the fighter when the fighter forces the opponent to create initial mat contact with the opponent’s arm, hand, or knee.

  • Two Point Throw: Awarded to a fighter when the fighter attempts a throw in which forces the opponent to fall and create initial mat contact with any parts of the opponent’s body including but not limited to the back, hip, thigh, chest, stomach, or backside. Notice the emphasis on thigh and the intention of dismissing the “leg” and “shin”. If the fighter who initiated the throw falls after their opponent the throw will be reduced to one point. 

  • Three­ Point Throw: Awarded to a fighter when the fighter attempts a throw in which forces the opponent to perform a full­ body rotation, vertical or horizontal, in the air before the opponent falls into full­ body contact with the mat. If the fighter who initiated the throw falls after their opponent the throw will be reduced to two points. 

  • Score Deduction: In the case that the thrower makes contact with the mat during the fall, a point will be deducted from the scoring attempt. If a competitor who's been thrown has a clear pull down of their opponent after they have made contact with the mat the technique will be scored as clean with no penalty. 

  • Determining the Winner: Matches will be set up in brackets within weight divisions. In the event that a division has three competitors in it, a round robin will determine the winner.